Data collection and storage improved
We ensure that trading data is as accurate and up-to-date as possible:
- We have enhanced data collection for cryptocurrency pairs that are infrequently traded on exchanges, specifically for crypto datasets. Now, fresh quotes will appear immediately after each minute closes when available.
- Improved error monitoring for certain datasets.

Improved dataset Overview and Docs pages
We made a lot small adjustments to enhance the user experience, including improving layout, adding tooltips on the config page, adding a share button, etc.

Improved Dashboard
Refreshed the Dashboard's appearance and highlighted key information: a list of datasets with links to billing and a list of API keys.

Improved Billing
In Billing, we now display essential financial information, current and previous datasets, invoices, and agreements.

Improved menu
The menu structure and appearance have been improved. It now includes the most essential items for work: Datasets, Billing, and Support.

Minor tweaks, major waves
We fixed bugs and made small enhancements across different parts of the product.