Standardized SEC EDGAR up-to-date filings data from 1994.
publisher logo SEC


United States

Feb 1993

Data since




Returns a list of ticker symbols. This list is updated daily.

ticker currency security mic asset_type cik composite_figi share_figi lei
A USD Agilent Technologies, Inc. XNYS COMMON_STOCK 1090872 BBG000BWQYZ5 BBG001SCTQY4 QUIX8Y7A2WP0XRMW7G29
AA USD Alcoa Corporation XNYS COMMON_STOCK 1675149 BBG00B3T3HD3 BBG00B3T3HF1 549300T12EZ1F6PWWU29
AAA USD Alternative Access First Priority CLO Bond ETF ARCX EXCHANGE_TRADED_FUND 1587982 BBG01B0JRCS6 BBG01B0JRCT5 549300XYPG9O6BOFZM56
AAALF USD nasdaq
AAALY USD nasdaq
AAAU USD Goldman Sachs Physical Gold ETF Shares BATS EXCHANGE_TRADED_FUND 1708646 BBG00LPXX872 BBG00LPXX8Z1 549300OEKWWGF8GREP70
AABB USD nasdaq
AABVF USD nasdaq
AAC USD nasdaq
AAC+ USD nasdaq


Real-time and historical access to all forms, filings, and exhibits directly from the SEC's EDGAR system.


SEC dataset contains the latest SEC filings and all corporate documents from 1994, covering over 20,000 instruments publicly traded in the United States. This dataset does not require a license, including for commercial use, distribution, or display applications.

REST API allows search by ticker symbol and other parameters and filter by filing type, such as 10-Q, 10-K, S-1, etc. Every filing contains a link to access and download directly from SEC EDGAR. SEC dataset is great for app developers and researchers, requiring standardized access to Securities and Exchange Commission data.



United States

Asset type

Stocks, ETFs, Indices


publisher logo SEC




Data since

Feb 1993

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