Analytics & Reporting. Insight at every turn.

At Finazon, we understand the value of data isn’t just in its accumulation but in the insights it can provide. That's why we've developed a suite of analytics and reporting tools designed to turn raw data into actionable intelligence. With Finazon's Analytics & Reporting, you'll have access to the tools you need to analyze trends, forecast outcomes, and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

analytics reporting solutions

Clear. Concise. Critical.

Insights dashboard

Get an overview of your data through our customizable Insights Dashboard. Here, you can visualize key metrics at a glance, track changes over time, and drill down into the specifics when you need to.

Data-driven decisions made easier.

Advanced analytics

Leverage our advanced analytics to uncover patterns, correlations, and insights. With our powerful tools, you can go beyond the surface to understand the 'why' behind the numbers.

Reporting that resonates.

Custom reports

Create reports that resonate with your stakeholders. Whether it's for internal review or external presentations, our reporting tools allow you to highlight the information that matters most, in formats that are both informative and engaging.

Stay informed. Always.

Real-time alerts & notifications

Set up alerts and notifications to keep your finger on the pulse. With real-time updates, you’ll never miss an important shift in your data landscape.

Share insights across your organization.

Collaborative tools

Our collaborative tools make it easy to share insights with team members and stakeholders. With shared dashboards and reports, your team can stay aligned and informed, no matter where they are.

Integrate with ease.

API access

Integrate our analytics and reporting capabilities with your existing systems through our API. Seamless integration means you can maintain workflows while enhancing them with Finazon's powerful analytical tools.

Tailored to your needs.

Customization & flexibility

Tailored analytics mean you get the insights you need in the way that works best for you. Our tools are flexible, giving you the power to customize metrics, dashboards, and reports.

Expert support when you need It.

Dedicated support

Our team of data experts is always here to help. From setting up your dashboards to crafting the perfect custom report, we offer the support you need to make the most of your data.

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Follow the Finazon blog for product announcements, feature updates, user stories, and technical posts about technology


Right pricing for you.

At Finazon, we understand that each organization has unique data analytics and reporting needs. Therefore, we offer personalized pricing that aligns with the scale, complexity, and specific requirements of your business.

Personalized solutions tailored to your business

  • Personalized solutions tailored to your business
  • Scalable infrastructure to match your growth
  • Dedicated support tailored to your needs
  • Advanced security features to protect your data
  • Seamless integration with your existing systems
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Personalized solutions tailored to your business

Questions? Answers.

Finazon provides a wide range of analytics, including real-time data analysis, trend tracking, forecasting, and customizable metric tracking to suit various business needs.

Our dashboards and reports are highly customizable, allowing you to select and visualize the metrics that matter most to your business. You can adjust the layout, color scheme, and even the level of detail you wish to see.

Yes, Finazon allows you to set up real-time alerts for any metrics or trends you are tracking. You can receive notifications via email, SMS, or through the platform itself.

Our pricing plans vary depending on the number of users and the level of access required. We can tailor your package to fit your team's size and needs.

Finazon employs rigorous data security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits, to ensure that your data remains safe and secure.

Absolutely! Finazon offers dedicated support to help with the setup, customization, and use of our Analytics & Reporting tools. Our team is here to ensure you get the most out of your data.

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Finazon is a financial data marketplace covering stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies and beyond. Access real-time, historical and alternative data via API & WebSocket.
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